Mark A. Patton
On-Air Host and Production

Mark has been with My Town Media for a little over a year, hosting The Mark Show, week days 10am to 2pm on Z 95.3. Fun fact, he worked at KKOY Am/FM from 1984-86 while in High School, from 1990-1991 after four years in the USAF before he went to college, he also helped start KINZ FM in 1998 and worked there until 2000. In 2010-2012 he volunteered on “Radio Classifieds” and finally joined the My Town Media team in August of 2019. Mark enjoys production and promotions, but he really loves doing live radio shows. Mark says, “There is nothing more exciting than writing and creating a show every morning and then performing/presenting that show every weekday live. It is exhilarating and challenging.”

Mark is a sucker for good music from every era(yes, he knows that “good” is subjective). He loves creative music of the 70’s, the fun of the 80’s, and the “grunge” era for the 90’s. His favorite song would depend on his mood but most of things on The Z Classic Mix playlist are great for him! In his free time Mark enjoys reading, writing(mostly screenplays), playing video games and spending time with people that are important to him. Mark isn’t a big NFL fan anymore but he enjoys high school sports, especially Blue Comet Football!

When asked about his favorite quote, “As a writer and student of literature I have many. One of my favorite comes from Mark Twain, “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” And “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.” Mark Twain.

Sara Hegwald | Marketing Consultant: shegwald@mytown-media.com
Originally from Kansas City, Missouri (don’t hold that against me), I moved to Southeast Kansas when I was 16, and landed in Chanute in 2008. For the last 12 years, I’ve made Chanute my home and it’s where I have raised 2 beautiful daughters with my awesome husband. We do everything together and spend most of the summer camping and fishing. When it gets cold outside, we get grumpy and curse the days until it’s warm again…
I have worked in sales most of my adult life, and though I went to school for just about everything under the sun, I never figured out what I wanted my diploma to say, so, I always returned to sales. I really enjoy it because I love to learn. I learn something new every day and my favorite thing about my job is meeting new people and TALKING. I’m pretty good at that, I could do it all day long… so I do. Ultimately, I want to learn about you — where you came from, where you are now, and where you want to be in your business. In my line of work, I set a goal for myself, and my goals aren’t met until your goals are met first.
Specifically, It’s MY job to help you reach your goal by converting MY listeners into YOUR customers, and once we reach your goal by developing a successful marketing strategy together, we will set new goals to attack and dominate. There is always room for improvement, and no matter what business you are in, and it’s my job to make us BOTH better in our line of work… or play… whatever pays your bills.